Are you finally ready to seek help for your debt problems? If so, one option you can choose is meeting with a bankruptcy attorney. Meeting with a bankruptcy law firm does not mean that you must file a bankruptcy case. However, it provides you with the information you need to decide what to do about your debt. When you attend your first meeting, you might want to ask the following three questions.

1. What Is the Difference Between the Two Chapters?

The first question to ask when meeting with a bankruptcy attorney is about the difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. These two chapters are the most common ones that consumers use, and both offer debt relief. They work very differently, though, and you might want to learn more about the differences.

One main difference is the way each chapter handles and treats the debts a person has. If you want instant relief, then you can get that through Chapter 7, as this branch forgives all your qualifying debts. Chapter 13 requires repayment of debt over three to five years, but it provides the benefit of keeping all your assets. There are other differences, too, and your lawyer can explain these to you.

2. Which Do You Recommend?

After learning the differences, you can ask the lawyer which chapter they recommend for you. The lawyer might tell you that you only qualify for one of the two. If this is the case, they will suggest this one. If you qualify for both, then they might look deeper into your financial situation to see which is the best for you. To get the most out of the visit, bring a list of your income, assets, and debts to this appointment.

3. What Is the Process for That Chapter?

The final question to ask is about the process for each chapter. What are the steps you must take to file for one of these chapters? How long will it take? Will you have to attend court? When you ask these types of questions, you can learn more about bankruptcy and your options before filing a case.

After asking these questions, you can learn more about the bankruptcy process. You can use this information to decide what to do about your situation. If you would like more information about bankruptcy and alternatives, contact a bankruptcy attorney today to schedule a consultation appointment. 
